the messy art of revision


[live broadcast starts at about 1:00. Feel free to zip to it by dragging the little dot on the video playbar!]

We writers tend to have a love-hate relationship with revision. We can fall down a deep rabbit hole of tinkering with our draft to the point where it turns into procrastination — or we judge ourselves harshly for writing drafts that are imperfect to begin with.

This livestream dives deep into why revision is so necessary and so challenging. Some takeaways: 

  • where the secret wish to "get it right the first time" comes from
  • why significant revision is inevitable
  • how lucky we are to be writers, not sculptors!

In the follow-up questions, we talk further about the unrealistic beliefs that trip us up. Lots to ponder here! 

Remember: I’ll be broadcasting live on Facebook and YouTube every Wednesday at 1 PM Pacific. Tune in for frank talk about writing. If you can show up live, you can ask questions, too.  Links appear at the bottom of this post.

What questions would you like me to talk about in future broadcasts? Leave a comment or send me an email. I’d love to know what’s on your mind. 

You can join the Facebook group right here.

And subscribe to the YouTube channel here.

Good writing is my jam! Put me on the mailing list, please.


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