I sometimes stumble upon conversations between writers that make me scratch my head a bit. There’s a lot of terminology about writing craft floating around out there, that’s for sure! And writers don’t always agree upon what even familiar terms mean.
One recent example was a debate about character-driven stories versus plot-driven stories. Talk about confusing!
Do character-driven stories have plots? Do plot-driven stories have characters? The answer to both questions has got to be yes, so what exactly do these terms signify?
And if neither character nor plot can unequivocally be said to be “driving” the story, what is?
In this livestream, we talk about what character-driven and plot-driven might really mean.
My weekly livestream about story structure, writing craft, and the mindset of the working writer happens on Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on YouTube. Come live and participate! Or...
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